Sunday, August 28, 2022

Vancouver August 2022

 Vancouver revisited


Glass towers still to be imagined.

Tallest and most imposing structure: Hotel Vancouver.

I walk by the main entrance, wearing a suit and tie,

like everyone else, it seemed then,

imagining myself a guest of the hotel,

seeing, as in a dream,

a young girl in a sleek leather outfit

stepping out of the hotel, laughing,

alongside of an impeccably dressed man… 


Glass towers all around, no longer just imagined.

Hotel Vancouver,

like an old suit taken out of a closet for dusting,

still shows an aging elegance,

but a young pretty girl no longer

walks out of its main entrance in ostentatious elegance,

nor is she accompanied by a suit and tie.

She is of course as pretty as ever

but instead of a sleek leather outfit

she is wearing jean cutoffs,

as on this splendid summer afternoon

they dazzle in the streets below

as the glass panels do on the towers above.

The city’s major  churches

once towered over the city,

and through their imposing size 

and artistry of design

they heralded authority

and spiritual comfort.

They are still there these ancient relics,

though smothered and scrunched,

no longer doling out

but seeming to beg for compassion,

like crumpled up homeless

in the streets.

And the people—

speaking in a babel of languages,

with a yes and an ok sometimes audible

to the attentive ear;

with fingers feverishly tapping away

at an iPhone or a Samsung;

searching for something, anything…

No sign of newspapers 

or newspaper stands anywhere—

the answer to all the tapping?

I remember, in the days before

the world became pocket size,

the international newspaper store

(Ezio and I were regulars there)

in a drabby part of East Hastings—yes—

but a true www even so,

where the old world met the new.

Then and now,

with now the more 

soul-less of the two—

and yet

on Thursday night,

a sultry summer night,

in a square on Water’s Street,

the Vancouver Metropolitan

freely and feelingly entertained 

to strains of the Sound of Music

tourists and residents,

and rich and humble alike.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Pasolini e Bepi Peloj


Pasolini e Bepi Peloj. 

Il prin: artista autèntic; chel altri: bramòus di èsi artista.

Un puc di pì, fra puc, su chistu contràst.

Intànt chistu: che secònt sè ch'i lešìn in ta Atti Impuri a era par cauša di Bepi Peloj che Pasolini al veva tacàt a vej poura che la so inclinasiòn sesuàl a vegnès cognosuda da la zent, roba che—in ta na epoca dal dut pre “me too” e pre “Pride,” a varès caušàt, a diši puc, un grant scumbusulamìnt in tal so vivi di ogni dì. Coma ch'i lešìn, Pasolini al era stàt clamàt in ta la cjamara da la sòu di P., na zòvina slava che par ic il Pasolini (coma ch’a ni dìs) al veva tanta afesiòn. Uchì (i lešìn) “ella entrò subito nel merito dicendomi che lei e P.  temevano Peloi per me, e lo temevano in quanto io avevo simpatia per i ragazzi (era la prima volta che il mio segreto…mi appariva in una simile luce…) E a no vèvin tuàrt a vej timòur par luj, coma che li ròbis a vèvin da provà cualchi àn dopo. Ma lasàn stà, o almancu contentansi di diši un O tempora, O mores!

Su Bepi Peloj i vuej diši ben altri, ma par adès i vuej minsonà n'altra pìsula curiošitàt.

“Alcune sere dopo ci trovammo io e lei (P.) nella stradicciola di Versuta (ricordo la siepe e il fosso; li ho davanti agli occhi…).” Cussì Pasolini. Bon. Nuja di stravagànt. Fòu che chistu, che chista “siepe e il fosso” a mi ripàrtin in mins che in tal stes ziru di timp (in ta la estàt dal '45, i cròt) iò e i me compàis di scuela, e un mestri che forsi al era il maestro Castellani, i èrin zùs a fà na scampagnada a Versuta, indulà che sot di na “siepe“ dongja di un fosál i vevi cjatàt na rivoltela, picinina e scura, ma ben svueleàda. I la vevi cjapada sù e da bon studentùt i ghi la vevi data al mestri, ch'a ti la veva metuda in sacheta e doma Diu al sà sè che cun chè al sarà zùt a cumbinà. Che rivoltela lì a varà sens'altri vüt na storia interesanta, ma chè jò i no la saj, e alora lasàn pierdi.

I torni invensi su Bepi Peloj.

Par Pasolini Bepi Peloj al era un intrìc. Chistu i lu savìn belzà. Ma par Pasolini al era un intrìc encja par n'altra rašòn. Al conta Pasolini:

“In quel periodo io ero anche impegnato, ma alquanto distrattamente, nell'«affare Peloi». Costui, un giovane chierico di San Giovanni, decisamente pazzoide,  faceva il pittore; un giorno capitò nella chiesetta di Versuta, incaricato dal prete ad addobbarla per non so che festa; gli venne così l'idea di completare gli affreschi trecenteschi della parete Sud e quelli quattrocenteschi, bellissimi, dovuti forse a un avventuroso discepolo del Beato Angelico…che venne così a deturpare quel luogo che mi era carissimo. Si aggiunga inoltre che un ragazzo mi avvertì che per preparare il suo affresco quello squilibrato aveva scalpellato la parete, e in seguito a ciò erano venuti alla luce alcuni frammenti a cui naturalmente il Peloi non aveva prestato attenzione continuando imperterrito a scalpellare. Ecc.” 

Che Bepi Peloj al sedi stàt estròus a no si lu pòl negà. E a è pusibilìsin che in taj frèscos da la glišiuta di Versuta al vedi fàt da li grandi monàdis. Par un momènt, però, i vuej difìndilu. Sinò se sorta di (secònt) cušìn) i ghi sarèsiu? Per dut il rispièt ch‘i ài par Pasolini, i no pòl fà di màncul da tegni in mins che Pasolini al à scrìt chista descrisiòn di Peloj àis dopo di vej lasàt Versuta, e adiritura dopo di èsi stàt custrinzùt a bandonà il paìs di so mari. (E coma ch'i savìn, s'a ghi veva tocjàt bandonà Cjašarsa a era pì di dùt par che sorta di rivelasiòns che àis prima Pasolini al veva temùt dal Peloj.) A no sarès tant da surprìndis, duncja, se il cuadri dal Peloj che Pasolini a ni pitura al è un puc incjalinàt dal fat che il Pasolini a la veva sù, e un bel puc, cul pitòu di San Zuan. A no è da escludi, par ešempli, che se il Peloj al veva paràt via a “scalpellare la parete,” a era parsè che Peloj stes a si era necuàrt che sot da la cjalsina cal “scalpellava” a si tegneva platàt alc di grant valòu. (Coma, a propòšit, al varèsia Pasolini podùt savej che a chiscju “frammenti” Peloj a no ghi veva “prestato attenzione”?). Bepi Peloj al veva li so stranèsis, d'acordu. Ma a no pòsia dasi che s'a no fòs stàt par che rivelasiòns ch'i ài minsonàt pì'n sù, Pasolini, invensi di clamà Peloj “decisamente pazzoide,” a si varès contentàt di clamalu “estròus,” coma che, cu la so pasiòn par ogni sorta di rafigurasiòn bìblica o religioša, il Peloj a si lu varès meretàt. E tant par concludi, cuant dan a ghi àia il Peloj in realtàt fàt ai frèscos da la glišiuta di Versuta? A ešistia na docomentasiòn fotogràfica dal prin e dal dopo? I varès gust di jòdila. 

Friday, August 12, 2022


 Traduzione integrale ora disponibila a

On PR name change


My response to Facebook post, just below:

A set of 11 recommendations, put out apparently by the Possible Name Change Joint Working Group, has been posted on Facebook.

If these recommendations are indeed the expression of the above named Working Group, then, aside from the vagueness and ambiguity of some of the individual recommendation, it appears that the Working Group is not being altogether impartial in the matter of a possible name change. And impartial it should be.

It is easy, for example, to agree with the basic premise of R1, but the insertion of “reconciliation” at the end of the statement strongly suggests a bias in favour of the proponents of a name change.

The targeting of “under-reached demographics” in R2 is unclear in its meaning, though the wording “under-reached” presumably refers to the proponents of the name change.  (NB, if under-reached refers to the indigenous residents of Powell River, and if I were an indigenous resident, I would not be very happy at being labeled “under-reached,” at least not in today’s Powell River.)

R3 makes no sense. (Is this really a situation that invites violence?)

R4 is a clear position of intent favouring name change. So is R6. So is R7. So is R8. So is R9. So is R10.

As for R11, the statement that a referendum is not the appropriate tool to utilize right now is a fair statement.  After a suitable period of clarification, however, a referendum (or public opinion poll) is the only reasonable way to resolve this dispute over a name change. There are those who feel that a referendum (or public opinion poll) leads to the “tyranny of the majority.”  Even so, the rule of the majority has to be a lot better than the “tyranny of the minority.”

A final word: the concept of reconciliation is prominent in this set of recommendations, yet it is never really defined. However we choose to define it, though, the concept has to involve “compromise.” Now, it is my understanding that those who call for name changes have already won two significant battles: both the Powell River District and the local hospital are now given indigenous names. Shouldn't the Tlamin Nation, in a true gesture of reconciliation, simply come forward and allow the city of Powell River to retain its current name?

Found on Facebook

qathet friends: ACTION TODAY!!

Council will be likely be considering a motion about the recommendations (included at the bottom) from the Possible Name Change Joint Working Group on August 18. Let's help them feel confident in endorsing the 11 recommendations!!

Send an email to MONDAY or TUESDAY with the following:

1. Dear Mayor and Council,

2. Your name and where you live (e.g. that you live in the City).

3. That you are writing to encourage Council to support all 11 of the recommendations of the Possible Name Change Joint Working Group.

Literally that's it at the minimum.


3. Any affiliations (e.g. tax payer, business owner, how long you've lived in town, if you attended any of the name change events, any relevant community involvement).

4. Why you support the recommendations. 

Letters are (unfortunately, but truly) one of the most powerful ways for council to understand the will of the public. Write asap to be included in an upcoming meeting package.

***Recommendations from the Joint Working Group (also at***

1. That additional public education and community engagement activities be planned on issues of shared values, history, and reconciliation.

2. That engagement activities be targeted to under-reached demographics.

3. That future engagement on the name change be designed to maximize the safety of all participants.

4. That the City make reconciliation and relations with Tla’amin Nation a strategic priority.

5. That Tla’amin Nation develop a set of educational materials describing what they want their neighbours throughout the qathet region to know about them, and that the City include this information in training for City staff and leadership.

6. That the City, Tla’amin Nation, and qathet Regional District, through the community-to-community-to-community (C3) process, establish a Reconciliation Committee mandated and resourced to advance reconciliation throughout the City and Regional District.

7. That the City establish staff position(s) to support the implementation of recommendations in this report and maintain positive reciprocal relationships with the Tla’amin Nation and other Indigenous residents throughout qathet region.

8. That public information and engagement events for various ages, groups, and in a range of formats be undertaken to better understand racism and colonialism and promote action to achieve racial equity.

9. That ceremonial efforts be undertaken to reject all forms of racism and support healing and unification amongst all residents of qathet region.

10. That additional community engagement activities be planned on issues of shared values, history, and reconciliation as the basis for identifying options for a new name for the City.

11. That a referendum or assent voting process is one of many available tools to engage the public and gauge public opinion. It is not the appropriate tool to utilize right now. A possible assent voting process and topic should only be carefully considered after implementation of the recommendations of this report.