Thursday, December 17, 2020
Next man or woman on the moon
Sulla luna, Gianni Rodari
Sulla luna, per piacere,
non mandate un generale:
ne farebbe una caserma
con la tromba e il caporale....
Ha da essere un poeta
sulla Luna ad allunare:
con la testa nella luna
lui da un pezzo ci sa stare…
A sognar i più bei sogni
è da un pezzo abituato:
sa sperare l’impossibile
anche quando è disperato.
(Versiòn furlana)
In ta la luna, par plašej,
no stèit mandà un generàl:
na cašerma a ti farès
cu la tromba e il caporàl...
Al à da èsi un poeta
che'n ta la luna a lunà al và:
belzà un bel toc a è che
in ta la luna bon al è da stà:
da tant timp abituàt al è
a 'nsumiasi daj suns pì bièj:
l'impusìbul al sà sperà
par no lasasi disperà.
(English rendering)
Please oh please don't
send a general to the moon:
a barracks he would put up
with a trumpet and a corporal...
It has to be a poet
to moon on the moon:
he is really quite good
at keeping his head on the moon...
he's been used for quite some time
to dream the nicest dreams:
he knows how to hope for the impossible
even in moments of despair.
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Towards a better world
Down with Christmas trees and other Christmas decorations. That, evidently, seems to be the mood in some states down south. Maybe it's just a distraction from the steady drumming we get on the Covid thing. But maybe not. Maybe it's an honest call to get us all to refine our ways and our thinking in these cancel-culture days. Let them come down then, just as statues have already come down! But this wish, or act, of purification, shouldn't stop at tearing down lights or monuments that so obviously offend people. Foodbanks should be made illegal, for in these days of rising unemployment and widespread inequality they remind us of those who can still afford to give. Cops, who are guilty of hampering the Robin Hood quest in a society of haves and have nots, should of course be defunded. In schools the study of history and science should be discouraged: the one because it focuses too much on discoverers and conquerors and legislators who were responsible for or codified today's inequalities; the other because its discoveries have in the past advantaged the wealthier countries, and to a large extent still do. For the sake of a better world all these things, obviously, should be cancelled out. Heck, the use of the English language should be muted out, being, as it is, one of the most insidious and widespread reminders of the ills of colonialism. Indeed, the colour white, or what we call white, should itself be smudged out, guilty as it is of perpetuating today's most glaring sin. The shutting off of Christmas lighs is therefore a welcome first step—and a great Christmas cheer!
Saturday, December 5, 2020
People of colour?
Letter to Scientific American
Dear Editors
I have just read your editorial on the December issue of your magazine in which you focus on how the current Covid pandemic affects “people of colour” much more adversely than it does whites. Clearly the intent of the editorial is to highlight a condition that needs to be brought to the awareness of all—particularly of those who have the knowledge and ability to remedy the situation.
I do wonder, though, if your basic thesis is correct, given that the incidence of people affected by the Corona virus in some notable non-white countries is much, much lower than it is in the US and in other Western countries—in Japan, for instance, where, so far, only about 2500 people have died of the virus, let alone China where (if we believe the reports that come from there) hardly any people have tested positive since last April. Given these facts, should not Sci-Am revise its position by making its claim valid only for the US, or for North America?
I wonder, too, about your journal's insistence on referring to non-whites as “people of colour.” It would be nice to think that in drawing a distinction between people of colour and white people, the editors intend to highlight the colourfulness and vibrancy of the former and the blandness and dreariness of the latter. But I am afraid I would be kidding myself to think that way. What Sci-Am is doing, instead and alas, is the opposite: it perpetuates a distinction between us and them, between us privileged and them non-privileged—a distinction which, sadly, is the essence of racism.
Ermes Culos
Ashcroft BC Canada
(Ps. You may find the attached article of some interest.)
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Evolusiòn lenghìstica? Hmmm...
Ma da indulà al sàltia fòu
stu mostru di peràula?
Da Timbuctu, a si pensarès,
o adiritura da Majiriti
che, coma che dùcjus a sàn,
al è un exoplaneta lontàn na manada
o dos di àis lus da la Cjera.
Ma no; chista abominasiòn
a vèn invensi da La Repubblica,
che pròpit vuej (in ta sta
zornada freiduta di disembri)
a ni dìs che Londra
a à decidùt di “bypassare”
li règulis da la UE
e di dàighi il so OK
al ušu da la vacina Pfizer.
A no ni tòcjia duncja
strinzi i dincj' e acetà
che se Londra a pòl fà sè ca vòu,
e che se i gjornaj taliàns
a pòsin rìdighi davòu
a li règulis da la Crusca—
a no ni tòcia duncja
rasegnasi a jodi
che encja il furlàn,
par pura conveniensa o musetàt
al è bon da baipasà
ogni preteša di puresa?
(Dec 2/20)
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