Friday, August 23, 2024

Re Deploying on U.S. Soil: How Trump Would Use Soldiers Against Riots, Crime and Migrants, NYT, August 22/24

 Dear Editor

Anthony Romero, the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, is quoted as saying that “It’s very likely that you will have the Trump administration trying to shut down mass protests — which I think are inevitable if they were to win.” Mr. Romero’s statement underscores what appears to be the brunt of NYT’s piece—that  a victory by Mr. Trump in November would inevitably result in widespread riots. We may argue over whether the suppression of these riots—by whatever means—would be a good a bad thing; what is hard to dispute is that, as clearly suggested by the article, the anticipated riots would be carried out by sympathisers of one party, and one party only, ie, by the Democrats. (Surely no sane person thinks that even someone as “weird” as Donald Trump would go out and start shooting his own people.) Whatever happened to the insistence that Trump and only Trump is capable of fomenting riots or insurrections?

Ermes Culos

Ashcroft, BC

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