Saturday, October 31, 2020
America vs Europe
Friday, October 23, 2020
Thomas Mann, Doktor Faustus
I have read, in German, several other books by Mann. I haven't had an easy time with any of them, but I did get through them well enough. Doktor Faustus is a much more difficult novel to read, and I struggled through it, partly, I think, because in it Mann expects the reader to have an extensive knowledge of music and musical theory. Even so, some takeaways:
1. Leverkühn, the music genius in the novel, becomes eminently successful thanks to a pact with the Devil, much as Goethe's Faust does. In the end, as in Faust's case, Leverkühn pays heavily for the contract he had made 24 years before.
This leaves us (me at least) with the thought: Is someone's work still to be admired when the creator of this work is a bad man?
Mann, I think, wants us to see in Leverkühn a sort of reflection of the GERMAN or of the German nation, and, an in the case of Leverkühn, leaves with the thought: Is German culture (ie, the Germany of the past, to be disliked because of its nastiness during Hitler' s time?
Monday, October 19, 2020
On racism
To Sci-Am
Monday, October 12, 2020
Tant timp fa
Tant timp fa:
I cjamini par na stradela di cjamp
cun un daj me frutùs.
Luj al è pìsul e cu la so manuta
al ingrimpa un daj deicj’
da la me man destra.
A mi tira la man
e a colp a si ferma.
“Sù, vèn,” i ghi dìs,
ma luj a si u
e cu la so manuta lìbara
al cjapa sù un clapùt
o un frosc di erba.
“Jòt, pupà, se bièl.”
Ma jò, ch'i soj omp fàt,
i lu tiri sù e i ghi dìs,
“Sù, sù, no stìn pièrdi timp
in monàdis. Paràn via.”
E luj par fami contènt
al mola jù il clapùt
a mi vèn davòu sidìn sidìn.
Oct 9/20
I am walking on a country road
with one of my kids.
He is very little and with his hand
he clutches the index finger
of my right hand.
He tugs at me and
suddenly stops.
“Come, let's go,” I tell him,
but he bends lower
and with his free hand
picks up a pebble first
and then a blade of grass.
“Look, pa, how nice!”
But I, a grownup,
pull him up and say to him:
“Come on, let's not waste time
in silly things. Let's go.”
To make me happy
he lets go of both pebble and grass
and comes along, in silence.
Pandemic dreams
letter to Sci-Am
Dear Editors
Thouroghly enjoyed Tore Nielsen’s discussion of pandemic dreams.
One thing, though, had me scratching my head. Though the work of Freud on dreams is largely scoffed at these days, shouldn't he—for old times' sake if for nothing else—be given at least a passing mention? The article does, after all, admit that “creative dreaming produces safety imagery that supersedes and inhibits the original fear memory, helping to assuage distress over time”; and this sort of creative dreaming comes pretty close, it seems to me, to being the sort of wish fulfilment that was at the heart of Freud's theory of dreams.
Even so, a nice read.
Ermes Culos,
Ashcroft, BC Canada
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Louise Glück, Premiu Nobel 2020, Leteratura
Ti mòus cuant che il to spìrit al mòu.
Sinò i ti vìfs.
No ti faràs cuj saja sè, ma i ti ti rangjaràs—
A è cussì, e basta. nuja da fà.
Cuant ch'i ghi dìs chistu ai me fioj
a no mi scòltin nencja.
I vècjus, a pènsin—
a fàn sempri cussì:
a cjacàrin di ròbis che nisùn al pòl jodi
par platà duti li cèlulis dal sarvièl ca pièrdin.
A si dàn tant di vuli;
sìnt il vecju, cal tabaja dal spìrit
parsè ca no si recuarda pì la peraula par cjadrèa.
Èsi besoj a è terìbil.
I no vuej diši di stà besoj—
di èsi besoj, cuant che nisùn a ti sìnt.
I mi recuardi la peraula par cjadrèa.
I vuej diši—ca no mi impuarta pì.
I mi svej pensànt
I ti às da preparati.
Fra puc il spìrit a ti lasarà—
duti li cjadrèis dal mont a no ti zovaràn.