Monday, October 12, 2020

Tant timp fa

 Tant timp fa:

I cjamini par na stradela di cjamp 

cun un daj me frutùs.

Luj al è pìsul e cu la so manuta

al ingrimpa un daj deicj’ 

da la me man destra.

A mi tira la man

e a colp a si ferma.

“Sù, vèn,” i ghi dìs,

ma luj a si u

e cu la so manuta lìbara 

al cjapa sù un clapùt

o un frosc di erba.

“Jòt, pupà, se bièl.”

Ma jò, ch'i soj omp fàt,

i lu tiri sù e i ghi dìs,

“Sù, sù, no stìn pièrdi timp

in monàdis. Paràn via.”

E luj par fami contènt

al mola jù il clapùt 

a mi vèn davòu sidìn sidìn.

Oct 9/20

I am walking on a country road

with one of my kids.

He is very little and with his hand

he clutches the index finger

of my right hand.

He tugs at me and 

suddenly stops.

“Come, let's go,” I tell him,

but he bends lower

and with his free hand 

picks up a pebble first

and then a blade of grass.

“Look, pa, how nice!”

But I, a grownup,

pull him up and say to him:

“Come on, let's not waste time

in silly things. Let's go.”

To make me happy

he lets go of both pebble and grass

and comes along, in silence.

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